Code Guard is a service that provides an automatic website backup solution. Code Guard monitors your site and keeps you informed of any changes while offering frequent backups and restore options so that downtime can be avoided.

Connect your site

Start by connecting your site to CodeGuard using the SFTP protocol

Initial Backup

CodeGuard will now take an innitial backup of your website, which you can monitor real-time


CodeGuard will monitor your website daily for changes and notify you via email

Continuous Backup

CodeGuard will continuously backup your website as it detects changes


You can then restore your website to any previous version with one click!

Full Website Backup

  • CodeGuard takes a backup of all the files in your hosting package.
  • Your databases are also fully backed up by CodeGuard.
  • A data is fully encrypted using AES 256-bit encryption.

Full Automated

  • CodeGuard monitors your website for changes and automatically backs up the changes on your website.
  • You are also notified by CodeGuard when there are additions, modification and deletions of your files.

Restore your Site

  • CodeGuard allows you to restore your entire website from any previously created snapshot.
  • Database restores are made easy so that you can recover from database corruption issues.

Lightweight and Secure

  • CodeGuard reduces your load on your hosting package by determining what has changed and only backing up the changes.
  • With automated notifications, you will be notified when files on your website have changed, helping you protect your website from unauthorized modifications.

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