BDM INFOTECH makes it easy to find the right domain name for your website. We also offer a full suite of domain services, including: domain name registration, domain expiration protection, and domain privacy services.
The domain name industry is extremely active and competitive, which makes it no surprise that so many people are becoming involved in buying and selling domain names on a daily basis. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation online concerning the value and selling process of domain names.
Most people understand that a domain name is simply the basic web address of a web site, but few people actually understand how domain names work. If you're struggling to understand the basics of how domain names function on a technical level, then the information contained herein may prove to be quite useful.
Having a web site with a popular name is a great way to gather residual web traffic with minimal effort. Unfortunately, most people don't realize that they can double this effect through the practice of domain forwarding, which is a grossly underused and highly effective tactic that has many uses.